As you ponder and probably argue about who to vote for, and ultimately cast your vote in the United States elections this fall, this is apparently what the “other side,” i.e. the voted for think about you.
I believe the following quotations are as applicable to the Presidential race as well as the Congressional races. That being said, I do admit to having my “favorite,” in the presidential race.
The following quotations are from an incumbent known as “Congressman X,” and are aimed directly at United States voters.
“But they are too faint-hearted to even dare think about what is really going on.”
As further stated by Congressman X:
“The voters… naïve, self-absorbed sheep who crave instant gratification. Most are mentally lazy and bore easily. It’s all about style, not substance. Memorable slogans, catchy metaphors, bite-size non-thoughts. Entertain their emotions and you’ll win their hearts.
The average man on the street actually thinks he influences how I vote. But unless it’s a hot-button issue, his thoughts are generally meaningless. I’ll listen politely. But I follow the money.”
This "person" is still apparently in office and will retire with "full" benefits and "perks." Congressman X is also apparently unwilling to change things or rock the [gravy] boat despite the above quotes.
Two Mark Twain quotes sum up the situation in this "highly important election year":
- Suppose you were an idiot, and suppose you were a member of Congress; but I repeat myself. Mark Twain
Read more at: - “If voting made any difference they wouldn't let us do it.”
― Mark Twain
This is just a caution against getting too wrapped up in the “politics of the moment” during this election year. While I do think that everybody able to vote should do so, this year will probably be very volatile and ripe with strife.
As a society, it is not in the best interest of any of us to make the “politics of the moment” an emotional issue to the detriment of our fellow citizens, either before or after the election This is especially true in light of the above thoughts by those we believe we are electing.
H. Court Young
Author, publisher, speaker and geologist
Promoting awareness through the written word
Research, freelance writing & self publishing services
Phone: 303-726-8320
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