Thursday, November 5, 2015

A Tribute to a Friend


As I continue to write about my Dad and our time living and working together, I am aware of the many friends we were both privileged to know. They are a blessing which are not fully appreciated, at least in my case. One very longtime friend, knew both my Dad and myself.

I met Jim Sprinkle when I worked at W. W. Wheeler and Associates. He was an engineering technician, for lack of a better term, like myself. We had many good times together during that period of our life. We shared lunches and break times together and became kindred souls in many ways. While many of my specific memories of those days have faded with time (and age), I remember the youth, dreams and aspirations we shared as young men in our mid-twenties. These were care-free and “heady” times for two young men.

As time progressed, we both went our separate ways. As Jim (or more formally “James” as I often call him) and I continued to reside in Denver, we kept in touch. He worked for a series of Catholic Organizations and we could have lunch several times a year. We shared our lives, and contemplated the careers ahead of us. When Jim was working in north central Denver, very near a Greek restaurant, we would go to lunch. It was a family owned restaurant and I still remember the incredible Greek food and pastry. These were, in many respects, very good times for two young men with their life ahead of them,

But, as happens to all of us, time continued to flow by. Circumstances changed, both personally and career wise. Jim ended up moving from Denver to the State of Louisiana. I find it ironic that much of my life has been spent west of Denver, in the Lookout Mountain, Genesee and Evergreen area, and Jim ended up living in the vicinity of Evergreen, Louisiana. I have often contemplated that and felt a bit of a mystical connection in his choice of location (even in a different state).

In that new location, Jim and his new “bride” (Ann) had a son, Andrew. Jim had always wanted a son and/or daughter and he was delighted. Andrew was a “special needs” son, which brought out the very best in Jim’s soul. He was so very devoted to his new wife and his very special son. This love and devotion flowed into all aspects of Jim’s life and relationships. As I had seen, in earlier years, it really didn’t matter whether those relationships were in his personal life or his business life. He gave much of himself to people. Jim gave of himself in a way most of us (including me) cannot.

All of the friends I have been blessed with are very special in their own way, and I love all of them. In reflecting back on the many friends I have been fortunate to have over the years, there are a very few like James. One of these was my Dad. He and Jim were similar in soul and spirit. They both shared themselves to the upmost with the world and as such, lived a life fully “in Christ” as noted throughout bible. Dad and Jim both touched and changed the lives and spirits of those they came in contact with.

Jim was a very devoted father, as was my Dad, in the very deepest sense of the word. In fact, his career and life’s work was shaped by this devotion to his son. I understand that devotion, as it was given to me as well. While I could not share the same devotion to my son William or my daughter Laura, in the same way as Jim and my Dad, I have been so blessed to have been on the receiving end of such a relationship. It is like being “touched by God” in the truest sense, and is mystical in the way it shapes and changes lives.

It is for this reason, which I am writing about my Dad and our relationship. I hope to be able to express in writing the depth of love and giving that I witnessed in these two men, who were both friends in the truest sense. These are the type of people which we need to strive to be and which we need in our lives. Jim and my Dad were able to bring out the best in all they met, based on true love, in a world which experiences far too much conflict.

So, Jim, while I am sorry for your loss, I know nothing I can say will ease the pain. But I did want to share some feelings in one of the only ways I can – through this tribute to you as a friend.

Much Love,

H. Court Young
Author, publisher, speaker and geologist
Promoting awareness through the written word
Research, freelance writing & self-publishing services
Facebook: HCourtYoung
Phone: 303-726-8320

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