Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Is 2015 the year of World Collapse or will it be a New Eden?


There is not a day which goes by that we don’t hear about some economic, political or environmental crisis around the globe. Ebola, ISIS and the drought in California are but a few that raged in 2014.

In 2008, a friend of mine and I had the following discussion over a cup of tea at the local bookstore. Does the discussion sound familiar?

clip_image002Does it seem as if life is going to hell in a hand-basket? You are not alone. Many people today feel the same way. The news is bad and just seems to get worse all of the time.

Is all of this mere coincidence or is this all a part of the cosmic plan? This is the question Court and I have been asking over the last year. Why is it that people from every walk of life and many different disciplines and viewpoints are all predicting catastrophe sometime within the period of 2010 to 2012?

This 2008 discussion was in reference to the year 2011. As you may remember, there were many predictions of calamity and collapse on a global scale centering on 2011.

It was for that reason I wrote my book World Collapse or New Eden, Your World in 2011. This book included 101 expert (and not so expert) predictions from the years between 2008 and 2011. At that time, it seemed like 2011 was the year the world as we knew it was going to collapse into chaos.

Jumping to 2015, does it seem that things are worse than they were 4 years ago (to paraphrase a presidential campaign slogan)? While the stock market is at all an all-time high, our financial markets are in a mess. Global economies are limping along. In the background, environmental disasters like the reactor meltdown at Fukishima Japan because of the 9.0 earthquake and Tsunami in March, 2011 are still very problematic.

You are intelligent enough to realize that our world is in a period of dramatic change. The price of a barrel of oil fluctuates wildly from above $100 down to $40. Food and energy prices are soaring. Medical breakthroughs occur almost daily. Currency, bond and stock markets fluctuate hourly. Around the world it is estimated that 1 billion people have access to the internet making communication truly global.

In my research, I discovered many predictions involving the period 2010 to 2012. I was astonished that so many predictions seemed to center on 2011. I started to call this time period, “the great convergence”. These predictions came from experts in many fields of study including, but not limited to energy, finance, business, science, education, travel and economics. Four years after 2011, are these predictions still “on-track”? What was predicted and what has taken place?

As you probably know, predictions come from many sources. Some are from very dubious sources which make very sensational news stories. However, the majority of the predictions come from very serious experts willing to put their reputations on the line by putting them in print. What does all this mean for you?

My original book, entitled World Collapse or New Eden? Your World in 2011, provided an insightful look at a future that was imminent in 2008. With the 2015 edition, you will learn how things have changed since then. Included are all of the original 2011 predictions and comments, as well as, my updated 2015 comments for each. Subjects which impact your life such as energy, the environment, climate change, natural disasters, finance, business and politics. You will find out if these predictions are still “on-track” and hopefully discern trends that could impact your life going forward.

This digital eBook/EPub presents each prediction, source and author and many active web links. It presents a fascinating look at the not too distant past and the future going forward.

I hope you enjoy reading the research and analysis in the 2015 Edition as much as I did finding it. Spot trends, and get a sense of where the world is going from sources other than the "mainstream media". To get your digital copy visit:

H. Court Young

Author, publisher, speaker and geologist
Promoting awareness through the written word
Research, freelance writing & self-publishing services
Facebook: HCourtYoung

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